^O^ OMG OMG!!! Finally is coming to an end ^^V A project that almost cannot finish. This is the Final Sculpture which I have done for my YOG, very different from my first design. In Fact my Prof prefers my first design better. In “Depression” Mode so hack care already!!!
Here is the description of my Sculpture Development and Final Sculpture plus some YOG Exhibition Photo.
Sculpture Development

Final Sculpture

YOG Exhibition Photo
Put in a lot of effort while doing this sculpture** I have to sculpt, paint, put light etc. Few days staying in school didn’t sleep rushing for this X.x After doing this which makes me super confirm that I hate craft work!!! I feel that I have over do it and work too hard for it!!! It makes me feel stupid while people can do so little and produce such a nice work. Well this teaches me a lesson that in future I have to Work Smart instead of Work Hard!!!
This will be my last project of Year One Semester One ^^V don’t what will be await for me in the Semester Two ^O^ OMG OMG!!!
>>> MikoMiko ~ 咪口咪口
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