Monday, April 18, 2011

Skype Poster - Advisor Modelling Tool

MikoMiko!!! An Assignment for the Module - Internet and New Media. My Group was assign to do a Advisor Modeling Tool for Skype ^^v In my group only I am from Art Design and Media, therefore, as expected, I was incharge of the Poster^^ hohoho~~~

Below Is the Poster that I did ^^v

Suppose to be a last minute work but turn out I have finished it one week eariler!!! I remember the submission date wrongly hohoho ^^v
"Better to be Early then Late"

^^v ~ MikoMiko

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Inorganic Modeling - MUS

MikoMiko!!! My 3rd Assignment - Inorganic Modeling for 3D Modeling Class!!! Hohohoho~~~ I kind of play cheat for this Assignment ^^v Therefore you will find this Modeling seem familier lol^^

Bingo!!! This is the Robot MUS from my Intro to 3D Production Animation CRUSH! I have "Recycle" it Hahahaha!!! At least I did some cool posing for the character ^^v Promise to be hardworking next time Yeah~~~!!!

"Recycling save my life"

^^v ~ MikoMiko