^^V Merry X'MAS And A Happy New Year!!! Finally here comes the Festive Season!!! This Year is a Busy Christmas** Going BBQ with my NTU and Poly Animation Classmates, Friends come to my house eat steamboat and play ^^ Usually my Christmas will be stay at home eating Pop Corn and count in front of the TV T.T But this year!!! They are by my side celebrate with me ^^V Yeah!!!
Here are some of the Photo ^^v Yeah!!!
Here are some of the Photo ^^v Yeah!!!
Home Cook Steamboat "TOM YAM" Favour Yum Yum ^^v
Food that MK and I go Fair Price to buy at the last minute T.T
Think we buy too many only manage to finish 1/3 of it (Of course the rest I have to finish itT.T)
Tong at my House Playing Majong (Lost a bit, luckily I don't play money one ^^v)
When you think of Christmas what will you think of??? Yeah Christmas Present!!! This year got to be someone Santa Claus^^ Searching for the correct present is not easy, as I usually make Present** Actually want to make all of them but due to time constraint, I'm only manage to make one hahaha that the part I start to scream arrrrr!!! I bad at giving gift and did my best already, hope they like them!!!
Christmas also a Thanksgiving Day!!! A Gift for my classmate, Lynn, who help me a lot in school. Owe her 2 meal because of that Sobx Sobx... Thinking of using gift to substitutes one of the Meal hehe ( I think I'm very smart... or Stupid?) One more to repay T.T

A Christmas Toy for A.K, My buddy in NTU who help me a lot in school toooo!!! Think I also owe him one Meal or Coke??? He like Death Note, so went around to search for it. Luckily manage to find one in some Wulu Wulu shop in orchard^^V Yeah!!!



Going to 2010 Soooooooooon!!! This will gona be the Last Post of the Year 2009T.T So fast and 2010 be the One Year Anniversary for my Blog Yeah!!! Be doing some changes to my blog to celebrate it!!! So Stay tune!!! Once again wish everyone have a ^^V Merry X'MAS And A Happy New Year!!!
>>>MikoMiko ~ 咪口咪口
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