*.*Color, Illusion and more Color!!! This project is about creating Abstract Color Composition within chosen Color Harmony for a Site Specific Location at NTU. Also to create optical effect compositions/patterns using various Color Harmonies, Pattern Symmetry Operations to activate the given space of the wall, door, corner, floor, etc. using Color Illusion (Bezold Effect)/OP ART.
^O^v Here is four of my Design and the Space I be using!!! (See is you can see it moving)
^O^v Here is four of my Design and the Space I be using!!! (See is you can see it moving)
Design 01 - Wheel Of Forture (Triad Harmony)
I called it Wheel Of Forture (Lame Name) because of the final design look like the forture teller use it to tell the forture. The most time spend design I did, it even have path for people to walk in^^V This design is to look up on the top and you be able to see the movement^^
Location - ADM Building Level One Stair
Design 02 - Destiny Wheel (Monochromatic)
This Design was called Destiny Wheel because the wall I be putting this design on is outside the Lecturer room, our "Destiny" is in their hand x.x!!! The movement of the wall also give me the idea of this name!!!

A Design that look like a machine that will teleport you to the future!!! Make people have the temptation wanting to step on it. Kind of Interesting ^^V

Location - ADM Building Level 2 Stair

Design 04 - Waving Wall (Triad Harmony)
A Bonus Design I did as my hand itchy so I did an Extra Design. Becasue all my pervious Designs is all on circle so I want to try on a sqaure Design. As you cann see the wall moving like a wave.

Location - ADM Library

^O^Wooooo~~~ Can see a lot of circle and square!!! Next semester will go do the chosen design on school. So which of the Design do you all prefer to be seen in the school??? Think I will choose the easy one to do or I really will die!!! Haix next semesters will once again see these *.*Color Illusion and more Color!!!
>>> MikoMiko ~ 咪口咪口
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