X.xBLOCK~~~ A 3D Exercise project using simple shape to created something interesting.
^^ Here is my Work!!!
Problem One: Rectilinear Volumes.
Using only 3 block (Square or rectangular). Establish relationships between the volumes by choosing dominant, subdominant, and subordinate forms.

Problem Two: Curvilinear Volumes.
The second project involves the organization of curvilinear volumes in a dynamic relationship. In addition to mass, proportion and character, we were now deal with the additional challenge of the diagonal axis. We will now work with curvilinear solids (Sphere, Hemisphere, Cone or Cylinder).

It might look simple to do but it is not x.x Break a lot of block while in the process of doing it!!!
Here is some steps of how I work on the Project ^^v.

Step 01 - Sawing the block (Shag)

Step 02 - Smoothing the block (Alway break the blocks at this point *.*)

Step 03 - Smooth even more (No matter how you smooth it, it getting worst *.*)

Step 04 - Checking is it straight (It never will x.x)

Step 05 - Measuring issit 90 degree (As I say it before, it never willllll~~~)

Step 06 - Cleaning the tool (Yeah !!!)
Basically hate this project as I really hate craft work!!! What more my hand injuries make it more difficult to work on this project X.x. Anyway I did managed to produced something decent on these X.xBLOCK~~~
>>> MikoMiko ~ 咪口咪口