^v^ Yeahooo!!! Finally able to post this!!! Actually want to do this veri Lonoogg~~~ time ago, it just that I don’t have the time *.* Every week I be posting one of the comic strip base on the character I have design when I was in poly ^^ as I found these character is quite interesting and I don’t have a chance to put them in animation T.T therefore I’ve decided to let them appear in comic strip instead ^.^v These are three comic strip that I gona do!!! There are ~~~
Comic Strip 01 - Jus.a.mouse
"Jus.a.mouse"!!! That my icon ^^ how can I not draw a story about him!!! This is the comic that I have draw quite some time ago which I almost forget I have draw these lol…. Let this be my first strip of him !!!

Oh ya as I did mention that I going to do a short animation on Jus.a.mouse (Think that very long time ago hahaha) Well currently still in slow progress as I really got no time due to heavy school work T.T This is the second poster (This time with his gadget).
Well I have the story structure plan out already ^v^ it gona be a Two Parts short animation. Part one will be call – The Unleashed and Part two will be call - City Escape. I don’t want to reveal much of the story or else there no fun lao ma and it also subject to change ^^. But I think the title already tell much about the story hahaha!!!
Comic Strip 02 - Cupid Love
This is my second comic strip call the "Cupid Love". It is about 3 new Cupid Freshmen creating a lot of joke in school. I will also try to get idea from something interesting happen in my school life and put it in this comic. Here are some Illustration to preview what it gona be like.

Actually there is a cover for this comic strip but I haven color it yet T.T Never mind will post it asap when I finish coloring it ^.^v
Comic Strip 03 - Freedom Fighter
This is my third comic stripe which I gona do called the "Freedom Fighter". It is about 5 character come from different place that trying to save the world but alway something stupid will happen to them (Something like that ^^). Here I present you my 5 character~~~

Yumiko - The leader

Miko - The Split Personality "Angel and Demon"

Milk - The Machinc Guy
Labbit - The Outcast

Wu - The Man Eater
Actually I have created them when I was in poly and also have an animation too. But it didn’t turn out well therefore this upcoming comic strip is like soft of make it up to them.
Oh ya there is also a Human Version of them. I currently only be able to created the character “Milk” ^^ Btw Milk is suppose to be a guy but I think the team need a gal so….

Anyway as promise every week I will try to post at least one comic strip ^^ Unless I really have no time hahaha!!! Hope in few year time I can have one whole book of comic ^v^ Yeahooo!!!
>>> MikoMiko ~ 咪口咪口